This is a form to have your first session of 'conditioning'.Please inquire by phone (050-7108-6714) or email ( when you would like to have an appointment for our service.Depending the content of your inquiry, we may have a couple of days to answer by phone or email.
*Full name
姓 名
*Email address
Mobile phone number or anything to contact easily
*Which way to contact is better for you?
Phone Email Either way is fine
*Convenient dates and time
Please let us know your convenient date and times. We will offer closer dates and time of your requests if we cannot meet yours.* It's possible for you to pick up the dates on the current and the following month.* We are available on Wed, Thur, and on occasional weekend.
*Please tell us what you wish to come to see us.
ex. to ease my shoulder and neck stiffness
Do you have anyone who recommended us?
Yes No
Please let us know who refered you to us if we may ask
[ Do you have anyone who recommended us? ]で [ Yes ]が選択されていない時は、入力内容は無効となります。
Please fill in this area if you have any questions or something you want to tell us beforehand.